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This complimentary E-card, "Pivotal Landmark", is the first in a series of animated Worlds of Good Fortune Video E-cards that are currently under development. These animations are based on the original Visionary Watercolor Paintings and Poetry by Trea Christopher Grey. The music and spoken poetry is from the Gallery Book and 2 Audio CD set, "Unveiling the Gifts", as performed by John Dumas and Gabrielle Young. We hope you enjoy our Worlds of Good Fortune Video eCards...
This complimentary E-card, "Pivotal Landmark", is the first in a series of animated Worlds of Good Fortune Video E-cards that are currently under development. These animations are based on the original Visionary Watercolor Paintings and Poetry by Trea Christopher Grey. The music and spoken poetry is from the Gallery Book and 2 Audio CD set, "Unveiling the Gifts", as performed by John Dumas and Gabrielle Young.
We hope you enjoy our Worlds of Good Fortune Video eCards...